Announcing two livestream performances for Sept 2020
Today, we’re delighted to be able to share with you a little bit of good news…we may not be going ahead with our usual September festival, but we are, however, really excited to be able to announce that we’ll be offering TWO live-streamed performances at 7:30pm, one on Friday 18th September & another on Saturday 26th September, marking what would have been our instrumental and vocal evenings.

We’ll be broadcasting LIVE from our usual venue of The Civic in Slaithwaite, and have invited the performers who were due to be performing back in May at our first ‘Chilled Classical’ gig at the Magic Rock Brewing Tap House.
Both nights will feature a 30-minute programme of music put together by the performers, reflecting on the events of 2020, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the lockdown, the complete silencing of live-music performance, as well as the Black Lives Matter movement that also swept the world. These will be completely free of charge to watch, on either our Facebook or Youtube channels, but we’ll be encouraging a ‘pay as you feel’ donation in lieu of a ticket.

To celebrate, at last, a coming-together of musicians, we thought the more the merrier, and so Tom Greed (Violin) along with Polly Virr (Cello) will be helping &Piano mark it’s first ever trio performance on Friday 18th September 7:30pm. Along with Artistic Director Christopher Pulleyn, they’ve created a 4-movement sonata from different composers’ pieces to describe the moods and feelings of the events that have affected the world this year, from dreamy film music by Japanese composer Ryuichi Sakamoto to the playful, fiery joy of Beethoven.

The following week on Saturday 26th September 7:30pm, Leeds based Bass-Baritone Neil Balfour will be sharing his musical moods and inspirations during the lockdown, using songs and Opera arias to reveal how the lockdown affected him personally and professionally.
After the success of our innovative online Young Musician Showcase, we’re boldly traversing new territory again and doing our best to present music during difficult and challenging circumstances, and it needs to be said that these live-streams wouldn’t be possible without the generous donations from our supporters and 88 Keys members.
We’re really excited about these performances – we hope that these events will demonstrate the energy and thought that everyone behind the scenes is investing in order to make them as engaging and powerful as if our audience were there in person.
So be sure to subscribe to our Youtube channel, like our Facebook page, and join us on the 18th and 26th September at 7:30pm for what could possibly be the first (or at least one of the first!) live-music concert performances in Huddersfield since March. We’ll see you then!