Northward – Gala Concert Cancelled
Dear supporter,
The ever-changing COVID-19 pandemic has brough with it many challenges, particularly for those of us working in the arts. However, the health and safety of our audiences, artists and supporters is our immediate priority in these troubling times, so it is with a heavy heart that we must announce that our upcoming ‘Northward’ fundraising concert on April 25th is cancelled.
This was going to be a really special evening – a celebration of our recently becoming a charity, the announcement of our upcoming concert series, and the launch of our new giving scheme to help secure the financial future of our young festival, raising funds to support our forthcoming activity.
Fortunately, our costs have been minimal, with most of our amazing artists kindly donating their time for this special occasion. However, we now have no opportunity to fund raise, leaving our future uncertain.
&Piano was established to help strengthen live music and the arts in Huddersfield and the surrounding area. Helping to break down barriers around music, we offer relaxed and informal performances with engaging explanations, and provide valuable performance opportunities for top musicians with local connections. When the worst of the pandemic is over and we can get back to coming together as a community, we will need live music more than ever.
Whilst we might not have a chance to perform for you at the moment, there are other ways you can help us. Tell your friends, work colleagues, and family about us and help promote awareness of our new festival. You can also like our page on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter or Instagram. We will be launching our new giving scheme, with dedicated channels for donations, on 25th April as planned so you can support us in the future, and I do hope you will also attend the events we can hopefully hold as planned in September.
Sharing music with as many people as possible remains our goal, and we are currently thinking of ways to possibly live-stream an alternative event on April 25th. Keep an eye out for further news from us on our social media channels and we hope you will join us for whatever online event we are able to arrange.
With best wishes,
Chris Pulleyn
Artistic Director, &Piano