&Piano announces a Digital Concert on April 25th 7pm
We’re delighted to announce that we’ll be Live streaming a special digital concert on April 25th at 7pm (BST), on our Facebook page and Youtube channel!
We were very sad to have had to cancel what was going to be a very exciting fundraising gala, ‘Northward’, due to the COVID-19 situation, but the team at &Piano quickly got together (virtually!) to think of a way they could still celebrate (virtually!).
So, join &Piano Artistic Director Chris Pulleyn on Saturday 25th April at 7pm by visiting either &Piano’s Facebook page or our Youtube channel and enjoy a 40 minute live broadcast (which we hope will work as is being planned!). We’ll share future plans & ideas for the festival, celebrate our charity status, and launch our new giving scheme, around a series of performances, that showcase a number of young talented musicians from around West Yorkshire, accompanied by Chris!
Just as many professional musicians have had so many concerts and performances cancelled, so too have sixth form college and university students had recitals, final performances & end of year celebrations cancelled. This live broadcast will showcase just a few of those, who no longer have those opportunities this year.
We can assure you that this will all be done completely remotely, with no breaching of any government guidelines. How will we do this you might ask? Well, you will have to tune in on your computers, SmartTVs, phones & tablets on Saturday April 25th at 7pm to find out!